Affectionate, Silly, Fun
Friendly, Social, Smart

Social, Sweet, Playful
Friendly, Social, Sweet
Cuddly, Independent, Fun
Social, Sweet, Cuddly

Mimi, 1 yr, Affectionate & fun

Finn, 6 months

Albie, 9 months

Lila, 1 yr, Sweet & Social

Sam, 1 yr, Super cuddly

Jet, 4 yr, Playful & Smart

Meet Our Kitties
If you have the home and the heart to make a furry little addition to your life, Cape-Atlantic C.A.T.S. will have the purr-fect match for you
Veterinarian cared for, de-wormed, FIV/FELV tested, vaccinated, and are spayed/neutered cats for as low as $30.
Adoption fees
Kittens - $75
Cats 1 yr & older - $30
Adopt a rescue cat


Sometimes, the best gift you can give to pets in need is your time
Volunteering can be far more than simply doing a good deed. In fact, volunteering not only helps the community but can be a great way to develop skills, learn more about career options, make friends, or even just shake up your routine. With our diverse volunteer opportunities, you are sure to find your best fit today!
Foster Care
Limo Duty
- Spa Day
Buddy Up Program
Mew To You Retail Staff
Room Monitors and more...
Check out our diverse volunteer opportunities to find your best fit today!



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